Your Special Place. A Guided Meditation

Metta-meditation med mina favoritfraser. Andra utgåvan

Physical Relaxation for Sleep

Den nemmeste afspændingsøvelse nogensinde. Binaural udgave

The Rose Garden. Short Version

Progressiv muskelavslappning 1

Din speciella plats. En guidad meditation

Meditation for Physical Relaxation. Extended Version

Meditation för fysisk avslappning. Thetautgåva

En blomst får liv. En meditation til at finde jordforbindelse

Coming Soon
Expanding into Danish
In 2021, audiobooks by Sophie Grace Meditations will start to come out in Danish in addition to Swedish and English. The first will be Rosenhaven.
18th May 2021

A Meditation for Grounding Available by Sophie Grace Meditations
Becoming a Flower, A Meditation for Grounding by Sophie Grace Meditations is now available in English. Becoming aFlower was first released in Swedish and has
25th February 2021

Available Now
Brainwave Entrainment Versions of The Rose Garden Available Now
Quite a lot of people like listening to guided meditations that have binaural beats or isochonic tones. Therefore, starting today, two Brainwave Entrainment Versions of
27th August 2019

Available Now
The Easiest Relaxation Exercise Ever. Available Now!
The Easiest Relaxation Exercise Ever by Sophie Grace Meditations is now available worldwide on iBooks and Google Play and also in some other regional digital
17th June 2019